Phonological Awareness Training for working with Deaf & Hard of hearing (DHH) Individuals
THURSDAY, JUNE 5th , 2025
5:30pm-7:30pm CST / 6:30pm-8:30pm EST
This is a LIVE Virtual/Online Training that will be held via Zoom Platform
Featuring Sydney Bassard, MSP, CCC-SLP
Supporting Phonological Awareness Skills with DHH Individuals
Presented and sponsored by:
Sydney Bassard, MSP, CCC-SLP
Sydney Bassard, MSP, CCC-SLP is a speech-language pathologist who specializes in working with individuals who are Deaf and hard of hearing and literacy. She owns The Listening SLP, which is her private practice and social media brand. Sydney was noted as an American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Innovator in 2023 for her work centered on equity of health information. Through her social media page, she engages with professionals and parents on the topics of hearing loss and literacy. Sydney is actively involved with research related to both clinical areas of interest.
Financial Disclosures: Sydney Bassard owner and receives salary from The Listening SLP. She is receiving an honorarium for presenting the current training session.
Non-financial Disclosures: Sydney Bassard is a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Supporting Phonological Awareness Skills with DHH Individuals
Course Description
Speech-language pathologists are taught about the properties of individual speech sounds for production. This same knowledge should be used when focusing on phonological awareness skills with DHH students. Attendees will explore how phonological awareness, as a critical component of literacy, can be adapted to meet the unique needs of individuals with hearing loss.
Participants will learn hands-on techniques for facilitating skills such as rhyming, blending, segmenting, and phoneme manipulation, with a focus on visual, tactile, and kinesthetic learning. Through real-life case examples, practical exercises, and resource-sharing, participants will gain confidence in applying these skills in therapy sessions and classrooms.
Course Learner outcomes
The learner will be able to…
1) Identify phonological awareness components essential for literacy in DHH learners
2) Describe adaptations to accommodate different levels of hearing ability and amplification
3) Create engaging activities and technology that foster phonological skill-building speech therapy activities
THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2025 5:30pm-7:30pm (ALL TIMES CST)
5:30PM - 5:45PM: Introduction of Emergent Literacy and Phonological Awareness
5:45PM - 6:15PM: Developmental Progression of Phonological Awareness Skills
6:15PM - 6:30PM: Research Implications for DHH Children
6:30PM - 6:50PM: Incorporating PA Skills in Speech Therapy Activities
6:50PM - 7:15PM: Case Study Activities
7:15PM - 7:30PM Discussion & Questions
ONLINE training
ZOOM-Link for training attendance and other pertinent training information/materials will be sent via email to participants Wednesday, June 4, 2025, the day before the training when registration closes and all participants are accounted.
This training is offered for 0.2 ASHA CEUs / 2 Professional Development Hours
Course Completion Requirement: Participants are expected to be present for the entire course and complete the self-reflection/assessment for satisfactory course completion and to be reported for ASHA CEUs. Individuals who are not present for the full course will not receive completion certificate and ASHA CEUs. No partial credit will be provided
ONLINE Registration ONLY
Registration Fees:
PROFESSIONALS: $39.50 ($35.00 Registration Fee + $4.50 Online Processing/Administration Fee )
STUDENTS - must be currently enrolled in a university/college degree seeking program: $9.50 ($5.00 Registration Fee + $4.50 Online Processing/Administration Fee)
Course Cancellation Policy: No refunds of online payment processing/administration fee. 100% of registration fee will be refunded if cancellation is received prior to May 1, 2025. 50% of registration fee will be refunded if cancellation is received May 1 - May 14, 2025. No refunds if cancelled on May 15, 2025 and thereafter. Cancellation must be submitted in writing via email to All refunds returned following course date. If course is cancelled by Nashville Speech & Swallowing Specialists, PLLC participants will receive a refund of registration fees.
Training/Registration Questions or Special Needs: Please contact us at or 615-375-6695.